Vasectomy or male sterilization is a method of permanent male planning. It is a simple surgical procedure that lasts approximately 30 to 40 minutes. There is a lot of fear on the part of men regarding vasectomy, and this is due to misinformation, therefore, today we want to clarify very frequent questions that arise about this surgical intervention.

How does a vasectomy work?
The vas deferens (tubes through which sperm pass) are tied to prevent them from going outside and pregnancy occurs. The surgeon will make a small incision in the upper part of the scrotum, where the vas deferens will then be tied off and cut separately, after which the wound will be closed with stitches. This intervention is performed on an outpatient basis and the patient walks out on his own the same day, a few hours after surgery. approximately.

Does it hurt to have a vasectomy?
Vasectomy is not a painful procedure. The surgery is carried out under the effects of local anesthesia, so there is no pain.
After a vasectomy, does a man have to use another contraceptive method?
During the first three months it is recommended to use another planning method. Since not using another contraceptive method during this period after surgery is the main cause of pregnancies in couples who opt for vasectomy.
Can a vasectomy be reversed?
Vasectomy is a permanent sterilization technique, and must be done with the intention of making it permanent. However, there are situations that the patient may present, such as a change of partner, that make him want the reversal of the vasectomy.
It can be reversed through a surgery called a vaso-vasostomy, which is performed using an operating microscope, where the surgeon reconnects each tube (vas deferens) that carries sperm from a testicle to semen.
It is worth mentioning that, below 5 years, there is a possibility that the patient recovers fertility by 80-90%, while, if the time since the operation exceeds 15 years, the success rate does not reach more than one 20%.
Can a man with a vasectomy give or get sexually transmitted infections, including HIV?
The answer is yes. Vasectomies do not protect against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV infection.
Therefore, they have to use condoms to protect themselves and their partners from infection.
Can a vasectomy affect a man's sexual performance?
A vasectomy does not affect a man's sex life. In addition, it does not decrease sexual desire since this intervention does not affect the production of testosterone. It also does not affect the ability to have an erection or to ejaculate.
At the Ruisánchez clinic we have Dr. Roberto Blanco, code 6996, a specialist in vasectomy surgeries.
If you have questions about this procedure or want to schedule an assessment appointment to perform a vasectomy, you can call us at 2560-1515, write us a message on our website or visit us at Heredia Centro.